1. We were supposed to get our engagement pictures taken today, but all week the chance of severe thunderstorms were increasing for this afternoon. So, after talking to Lindsay this morning I decided to reschedule our shoot. Well, all morning it was sun and blue skies...I was a bit frustrated to say the least. I thought to myself, this is my luck. But the weather forecast wasn't totally wrong, because as I type the storms are rolling in. Maybe it was a good thing I rescheduled after all...
2. The countdown is on! 15 days left of school! LOTS of things to do to wrap up the year, and May is just as busy as August, but nonetheless, we are almost done!
3. State Testing is OVER...woohoo!! My poor kids, I don't think they have ever had to stay that quite and still for so many days in a row.
4. As school is coming to and end, wedding stuff is gearing up. Hoping to get a lot of things pounded out this summer.
5. And as school is ending, I'm packing up my room again this year and bringing it home. Next year I will be teaching third grade at a new school, Meadow Glen Elementary. I'm very excited for this new adventure in my life, but it is bittersweet leaving Saxe Gotha.
Happy Weekend!

So happy for you and the new job! I know you have a busy summer ahead of you!