Seriously, I'm cursing all that snow that visited us in January. I was actually cursing it when it came because I knew this would happen, but I'm reminded of it now. It has been a long stretch with no breaks at school. We are ALL itching for some well deserved time off. Now, I know what some of you are thinking..."Be lucky you get a Spring Break, other jobs don't get that." Yes, it is a perk of being a teacher, however I would gladly invite anyone to my classroom for a few days with 22 children calling your name all day, working before and after school to prepare and get things done and you would be counting down the days until a break as well....It's much more than a 7:30 to 3 job.
I digress...I'm off my soapbox now, sorry....
With that, the front of the April issue Skirt magazine was a breath of fresh air today...
Recipe for a Scrumptious Life
No more sour grapes. * Split milk? Let it go.
Music wherever you go, in your head
or on the radio. * More than you need,
less than you want. * Enough silence to
hear your conscience. * A little grief to keep
you grounded. * True joy, not the laugh
track kind. * A doctor you trust with
your life, a handyman you trust with your
house key, a lover you trust with your heart,
A friend you trust with your secrets. * A
car that behaves as if it's always under warranty.
Long lunches with smart people. * A talent for
kindness. * One pair of expensive shoes
for job interviews and rendezvous.
Jeans that make you look like a long, tall drink
of firewater. * A teenager who thinks you're
still cool. * The pop! pop! pop! of Champagne
corks whenever you make an entrance.
S'more of Everything!