Just the other day I was telling Josh that I need a day where I can stay in my pajamas all day and not have to go anywhere...well, I guess I'm eating my words now. Apparently I caught some kind of stomach bug. I was up and down all night Monday night from 2:00 on. I managed to get to work yesterday, but it was not our most productive day. I don't take sick days from work...really, I can count on one hand how many times I have taken a sick day in the 7 years of teaching. It is really more work being out than being there, so I went yesterday. But after sleeping from 2:45 until 6:30, then from 7:30-9:30 before heading back to bed at 11, I figure I should not go today. I put in for a sub, got some sub plans together quickly last night, and am home today.
This could probably be the worst week to not be 100%. Lots of stuff to finish up at school before we leave for Winter Break, still have to get my kids Christmas gifts, finish Christmas shopping, go the post office, and was going to try to make it to work out. I had the whole week planned out and this has definitely put a wrench in my plan. And I love a plan with a list.
I think I might be on the mend now. Feeling better than yesterday and planning to be back on the move tomorrow...hopefully.
Hope you feel better!