What a wonderful Christmas I had! It was my first Christmas having to be in more than one place, and although it was busy, it was fabulous. The holiday started off with Josh and I exchanging gifts Christmas Eve afternoon. He did a very good job of following the list he asked for.
On Christmas Eve, Josh and I went to church and then went to have Christmas with his dad and step mom. Sadly, I took no pictures there, but we had a good time. We ate dinner and exchanged gifts. Then we split up and went to spend the night with our own families for Santa to arrive the next morning.
Christmas morning we all enjoyed sleeping in a bit and then dove into the gifts. At our house we always start with stockings and open them all together at one time. Then we rotate around the room and open one at a time to see what each other got (and it makes it last longer).
Our traditional Christmas breakfast is yummy hash brown casserole and sausage casserole. Normally Brooks makes French toast, but he wasn't feeling it this year, so we went without that this year. Josh came over about 1:00 to spend some time with us, then I went over his mom's house to have Christmas with her. I came back home just in time for a nap and dinner. Our family has steaks, hash brown casserole (again) and salad on Christmas night. And I got to eat my a piece of my favorite pie, Chocolate Chess, that my mom made just for me :)
Snow. Yes, snow. Just the day after Christmas. Honestly, I was over it after all the TV coverage about it. If it had come on Christmas Day I think I would have been more excited, but I had plans to meet Amy, Jacqueline, and Kate for dinner in Greenville Sunday night and the weather made us cancel those plans, so I was not too thrilled with the weather.
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